On the walk home from work on Tuesday, Jesse and I looked at the Denver Bcycle racks and decided we would rather bike back to the apartment then walk. So we walk up to the rack and insert our cards and away we go. First of all I was wearing a dress to work that day, so getting back involved a lot of one hand steering-not so great for someone who isn't used to regular bike riding - sorry Denver if you saw anything! We rode back to the APT and changed clothes before heading out on an adventure for the night, trust me this was an adventure
Me on the Denver Bcycle

So we decide to ride up to our new stomping grounds and around before heading back to LoHi for some grub. The ride to our new house was all uphill, and I was cursing the fact that I had pants on, I was dying! Jesse seemed to be sprinting ahead of me on the damn bcycle 3speed bike on constant uphills to our house, huffing and puffing, we finally leveled out. We made smooth sailing to our house, and from our current downtown digs we made it to our house in under 10 minutes, score! After we saw and dreamed about being in a more permanent spot we cruised upwards to the Rocky Mountain Park close to our house and did some comfort cruising. Then we were headed back to grab some dinner and hopefully still make happy hour, which we did!
Bison Tacos and Happy Hour Scooners - wonderful!

Now that we were satisfied we cruised on down to Deans Urban Market by our house for some groceries just like the big city kids do :) We got some groceries from here and headed back to our house to unload and hit the hay......BUT jesse decided to read the fine print on these bikes and while they said 24 hour checkout you still get charged usage fees by the HALF HOUR. At this point we had the bikes since 5pm and it was now 8pm (at least). At first I thought, screw it we're keeping the bikes! Then I added it up and decided it was best for them if we let them have some rest...
Deans Urban Market

So we unloaded the groceries and tired legs and all we headed out to find the closest dock station to our APT, well we found one close by, so we headed out. The closest one of course we couldn't ride to because of road construction so we were on the lookout for a rack full of red bikes. After riding around for a bit we saw some, thank the lord!! We parked those bad boys around 10pm at this point we had them for over 5 hours - thank you 30 minute charges. Once we had the bikes safely in their home and we were headed back to our APT we spotted a brewery (not unusual in Denver) we decided to stop in to quench our thirst. I got the lightest beer they had and of course Jesse got the Mile High IPA. Since I realized I hadnt been to the restroom in over 5 hours I decided to go before I left, here is what I saw by the bathroom.
I can only think of HotTubTimeMachine..... or this belongs outside the Mens restroom in a gaybar.

The adventure concluded with the Moores being wornout and having rode our bikes for almost 13 miles when that was not what we were intending. We survived and bring it on Denver!
You're doing so good with blogging Megs!! So glad you are enjoying the wonderful city of Denver. We will visit, promise!